Terms and Conditions

The following rules may be modified from time to time. Continued use of the service by you will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions.

If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please do not use the service.

Personal Use of the Service
You agree that you will only register one account as a user. Instances of multiple accounts per user will result in the additional accounts being closed, and any credits attached to that account will be cancelled.

The service shall be used for lawful purposes only and that you will not use any obscene or offensive language, or place on the service any material is false, defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful.

Further, you may not place on the service any material that is encrypted, constitutes junk mail or unauthorised advertising, invades anyone’s privacy, encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation.

You agree and acknowledge that your failure to follow the rules set forth in this Agreement may subject you to civil and criminal liability.

Responsible Service of Alcohol
Under Australian laws, alcoholic beverages can only be sold or supplied to persons aged 18 years of age or over.

By joining Craft Cartel Liquor and/or placing an order you are confirming to us that you are at least 18 years of age.

Craft Cartel Liquor encourages the legal and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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